Michael Simpson, President
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-629-5236
fax: 614-224-5436
email: msimpson@whtmy.com
general email: info@whtmy.com
Matt Gregory, Managing Director
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-629-5236
fax: 614-224-5436
email: mgregory@whtmy.com
Jeff Pallay, CFO
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-629-5223
fax: 614-224-5436
email: jpallay@whtmy.com
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Dave Wakeman, VP of Property Management
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-224-2400
email: dwakeman@whtmy.com
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Devon Cotterman, VP of Property Management
8000 Walton Pkwy, Ste 250
New Albany, Ohio 43054
phone: 614-939-8600
email: dcotterman@whtmy.com
Robert Turrin
50 W Town Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-565-8264
Nick Proverbs
300 W Spring Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-222-0996
Heather Posey
364 W Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201
phone: 614-291-7179
Andrew Schnitkey
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-629-5281
email: aschnitkey@whtmy.com
Daron Blake
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
email: dblake@whtmy.com
Jenna Loxterman
605 S Front Street, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
phone: 614-629-5227
email: jloxterman@whtmy.com